digital marketing

Pop-Ups: Are They Effective

Pop-Ups: Are they Effective?

Before I entered the digital marketing arena, I held an intense prejudice against pop-up ads. As a child, surfing the web with Internet Explorer (rest in peace) on my parents’…
chrome browser cookie monster clearbox seo

Getting Fat on Cookies: How Websites Creep on You

“I THINK MY PHONE IS LISTENING TO ME” YUMMMM!!! I love cookies! Especially chocolate chip cookies with fudge filling in the middle…and oatmeal raisin sometimes when i’m feeling like I…

What is a rel=canonical?

Also called “canonical links,” a “rel=canonical” is a really useful line of code that can help solve issues with duplicate pages. Canonical links point search engines toward “canonical pages,” so…

How to Use Google Tag Manager with Google Analytics

One of the most frustrating experiences early in my SEO career was setting up Google Tag Manager for a client’s website. Google designed their Tag Management System (TMS) with ease-of-use…
What is Hotjar?

Hotjar: What is it?

The SEO world is filled with tools and gadgets, tips and tricks, and all sorts of software that promise to show you valuable data and give important insights into your…

Measuring SEO Success

Table of Contents Why is it necessary to track website traffic data and results? How often should you track and create reports for these data results? What are the 3…